Established in early 2000 as an Economics and Financial management firm, EFICON has evolved to encompass various consulting services lines in management and IT. Today, and following the reincorporation in 2009, EFICON has become a multidisciplinary consulting firm providing fit-to-purpose solutions in Project Management, Organisational Development and Institutional strengthening, public procurement, Monitoring and Evaluation, Public Financial Management and Governance. EFICON is your new age partner in providing cutting-edge solutions that meet not just your expectations but those of the people to whom you deliver your services. EFICON aspires to be a leading global Management and IT consulting firm, helping the worlds’ top businesses, governments and institutions. We work closely with clients to create and deliver essential advantage. We bring foresight and knowledge, deep functional expertise, and a practical approach to build capabilities and deliver real impact.
Eficon was founded in
Robert Muwanga
EFICON brings vast experience from across Africa in:
The EFICON directors have formidable International consulting experience in Public Finance, Programme Evaluations, Public health and Research. The Directors have more than 150 years of combined experience in designing, managing, implementing and evaluating development projects, and are accustomed to taking experiences and lessons learned from other countries and working with the clients to determine which of these experiences are applicable to that particular country and its set of cultures and institutions. Our Success hinges on our technical ability to transcend matching terms of reference with our outputs but also ensuring that we add value to our clients with the support they need to sustain the use of consultancy results.
I am pleased to welcome you to our Website.
Since inception in 2009, I am pleased to share that EFICON has grown in the
services we provide to our clients. Our core business remains to provide advisory
to our clients, primarily the public sectors in the areas of public finance,
technology and ICT and program evaluations. In recent years we have expanded
our offerings to include training tailored to capacity building related to the
services we offer and more specific training extended in collaboration with our
partners – primarily, PEBCO. I am pleased to share that our client base has
grown from Government and public sector players such as Development Partners
in Uganda to the region covering counties such as Liberia, Ghana and Gambia in
West Africa, Sudan in North Africa, South Sudan, Kenya, Rwanda and Ethiopia in
Eastern Africa and Malawi, Lesotho, Swaziland in central and southern Africa. We
remain committed to the delivery of quality and fit to purpose services
EFICON has continued to make investments needed to improve its capacity to
deliver the services its Clients require. I am proud to say we have assembled a
staff compliment bringing together experts in public finance, economics,
statistics, governance, ICT in line with our core business areas. In additional, we
have and continue to expand our network of associates to meet demands of
significantly large assignments where this is necessary or to tap into specialised
skills as the case may require. This approach and commitment to a competent
human resource is at the heart of our strategy to service our clients well.
We are confident that EFICON is now well established in the market within the
region and will only continue to grow. Collaboration with PECO and others
partners is bearing fruit helping to position us for specialised IT security training
and other specialised services in markets that are rapidly growing. We will
continue to stick to our business philosophy to bring value to our clients and to
deliver sustainable solutions. Relations without Client are critical and we will
continue develop them by bringing value to their business. I remain upbeat
about future prospects
Thorough Understanding of the problem; Adopting best practices; and Meeting our clients’ needs at their level.
Our Coverage of assignments and Associates include the following Countries: Uganda Rwanda Ethiopia Tanzania S. Sudan Malawi Botswana Mozambique Liberia Lesotho We shall continue to provide consulting services across the Africa continent given our flexibility to work in partnership with Local firms in the region. We have expanded to the USA and our partner-FEI Consulting is providing full range consulting services in strategy and Pubic Financial management.
You cannot buy success, even with a good budget and lots of people. You have to work for it and the whole team has to work for it. But success or results which are not sustainable amount to a misallocation of resources. Service support is one way of sustaining results and success. Excellent service support is what makes us different and ensures we continue to deliver results even when the assignment is completed.
In the Consulting domain, clients and consultants are often viewed as players on either side of the pitch. Members of an undertaking on the other side of a boardroom. We differ. We as EFICON see ourselves on the same side as that of our clients. We make our clients’ goals our goals. We view their pursuit of results as our pursuits of solutions to enable them attain their results. Our passion is to see the world as our clients see it. To relate to our clients in a way that makes us appreciate the journey they have taken and the destination they want to reach. Their preferred future. No better way can make our recommendations reliable and our inputs sustained. We therefore ensure that efforts rest on equipping our clients to break technical barriers and rely less on external input but on the capacity, we enable them to generate internally.
Use and application of ICT has become a way of life. Public and private institutions have increasingly realized they have to adopt ICT to their core business process in order to remain relevant and competitive. There are three major challenges; (a) with a multiplicity of ICT solutions, how can these institutions make the right choices? (b) How do institutions cope with the fast-changing technologies on the market? and (iii) how do institutions derive the best value out of technologies they select and, in a way, that is sustainable? At EFICON, we help public and private institutions answer these questions. Through our ICT/MIS consulting services, we Help institutions undertake comprehensive ICT planning which means they are able to determine their ICT development roadmap and to identify pieces of ICT that most suit their businesses and budgets today and tomorrow Help Clients to institutionalize ICT management giving ICT the appropriate profile that ensures its investments are relevant to their business Help Clients develop and implement ICT policies Support institutions to undertake comprehensive studies and design of management information systems (MIS) which allows them tailor or select ICT products that best fit their requirements We advise on business continuity policies and processes allowing Clients to manage their ICT investment while minimizing disruption to their business Working with our partners, we also extend a range of tested and cost-effective ICT products for public and private institutions in the services area that we work in.
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